Friday, July 2, 2010

Anime Expo.

Hi ~~~ Today I worked at Anime Expo in LA Downtown as a camera assistant! It was amazing!!! Many people were wearing Japanese Amine character's costume! And they looked like the characters!!! haha Maybe~~~... lol Also, I studied a lot! I'm sure that I'm improving!!!

And there was a Japanese movie screening too, staring SAKI AIBU. The title is "恋するナポリタン〜世界で一番おいしい愛され方"(”KO I SU RU NA PO LI TA N ~ SE KA I DE I CHI BA N O I SHI I A I SA RE KA TA ”). I liked the story. Many of not asian people at the event told me that it was good! I'm glad to hear that!

But, sadly, I couldn't watch the last 20 mins of the movie, so I don't know what happened at the end. Can't wait to see it again.

AND!!!!!!! Do you know? there was Q&A with SAKI AIBU!!!! She was here in LA!!! She looked so cute! You guy will like her for sure. I just hope there will be many opportunities for asian, ideally Japanese actors to be famous all over the world!!!

I gotta make more effort to do what I want in the future. I just have to study and study and study!!! And work , work , and work!!!!!!!!!!
